Suzanne Liem Photography







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Irish Times magazine, March 23, 2013 Moesson, The Indonesian Magazine, September 2012, text and photography NRC Next, coverstory, text Eefje Blankevoort, July 2012. Death as result of taxdebt. NRC Next, coverstory, July 2012: Suicide as act of protest. Knack, België, text Eefje Blankevoort, July 2012. Widow of the Crisis Trouw, September 15th 2011: Government has to pay for `Rawagedeh` Trouw, September 13th 2011: First hurdle in Rawagedeh-case Trouw, June 17th 2011: `Statute of limitation Rawagede unjust` Trouw, August 23rd, 2010. For Rawagede other norms apply apparantly Trouw, August 23rd, 2010: Sometimes cases are statute-barred, sometimes they are not/ NRC Handelsblad, February 23rd, 2010,text and photography. Serie Brothers and sisters, `I used to detect bombs with my sister.`